The origins of the Bohn group are sadly lost to the mists of history.

By 2006, the group included (left-to-right) Daniele Bortolotti, Shai Ronen, Ed Meyer, Manuel Lara, and John Bohn. I would not mess with these guys.

In 2008: Ryan Wilson, Ed Meyer, Bohn, Goulven Quemener, and Shai Ronen.

By 2011, the group could be pretty serious at times…

… but was awfully supportive nonetheless. (Left to right: Michael Mayle, Brandon Ruzic, Goulven Quemener, Ryan Wilson. Horizontal: Bohn.)

The Crew in 2013: Brandon Ruzic, James Croft, Andrew Sykes, Michele Sze, and John Corson.

And in 2015: Left-to-right, Lucie Augustovicova, Michele Sze, Bohn, John Corson, Arnaud duPasquier.

The Old Timers meet up once in a while. Here is a reunion in Stellenbosch, South Africa, including Aleksandr Avdeenkov, Bohn, Chris Ticknor, and Goulven Quemener.

Here is a reunion in an Undisclosed Location, c. 2016.

The Wacky Funsters in Fall 2018. Left to right: Joe McCann, Bohn, Michele Sze, Eli Halperin

In the spring of 2020, we tried some exciting new ways to interface by technology. The group at that time looked like this (Reuben Wang, Bohn, Eli Halperin, Joe McCann). Why we were so excited about this, I do not recall.

Here is the group, still gamely carrying on virtually, in the summer of 2021. First row: Reuben Wang (from Singapore) Bohn (from Boulder), Dibyendu Sardar (from Kolkata). Second row: Alex Adler (from Missouri), Eli Halperin (from Boulder).

Together again at last! The group reunited in summer 2022 to record a brand-new studio album. From left: Alex Adler, Eli Halperin, Hui Li, Reuben Wang, Dibendu Sardar, Some Guy in a Plaid Shirt

The group in Fall 2023. See if you can spot the differences!